Quality Management – Production Quality Controls

Quality Assurance is about clearly demonstrating to customers that food safety is important and that management practices have been put into place to insure and demonstrate that the food is safe. Flinders Ranges Premium Grain is implementing a Quality Management System, which has incorporated food safety through Quality Assurance based on the QA System  – “Solutions for Grains”.


Environmental Management

The group produce wheat for flour and frozen dough products, targeting domestic and international markets. We are committed to managing key environmental issues, particularly soil erosion and we will maintain environmental standards that are consistent with industry best practice, and all relevant legislation.

Through continual improvement of our farms and our management we are committed to achieving these objectivists by:

  • Preventing pollution of land, water and air by conforming to government regulations and industry codes of best practice, and by continually improving farming operations, using realistic and achievable guidelines
  • Dedicating human and financial resources to fulfil the environmental goals
  • Minimising the amount of waste produced on the properties and recycling wherever possible and practical
  • Using the most appropriate indicators available to monitor farm operations and recording environmental progress
  • Informing all farm members, employees and contractor of their environmental responsibilities, through training and communication

We aim to produce a high quality product and to achieve ecologically sustainable production of grain by minimising direct and indirect environmental and social impacts and by conserving our natural resources.